There is a number, we all have it, which represents the amount of accessible capital needed to maintain our lifestyles, no matter what happens, ad infinitum.
Once this figure is reached, you are home free to engage in ever more speculation or charitable endeavours or setting up and protecting future generations or maximising your fun and enjoyment. Or maybe all four.
You no longer need to work for the money. Of course, you might choose to, it might be easy money to you, or you want to try new ventures, or you might fancy six months on the beach with the ‘phone off’.
It matters not, it is about knowing you have accumulated enough that new possibilities become possible.
That is what financial freedom is, and it is priceless. Let us help you get there as quickly as possible. We can work out what your current shortfall is and how much you need to put aside each year to arrive at your number at the right time for you.
We use prudent assumptions in calculating these figures. Once agreed, it is a matter of discussing how to get your money from where it is, to where it can serve you best as efficiently as possible.
That means reducing the tax drag, using available allowances and reliefs, as well as agreeing a coherent, joined up investment strategy that maximises your chances of success.
There are a wide range of viable options – pension accounts, investment ISAs, offshore bonds, VCT, EIS and SEIS and direct investments. In combination they can provide a great bang for your buck with modest administration and management fees.
In so doing IHT, income tax, capital gains tax benefits can also accrue and mean more investment growth is kept by you and your family.
By working towards your number in a safe and sound manner, you’re able to focus on what you do best in your business life and take the risks you need to get there, safe in the knowledge that your back is covered.
You are great at creating wealth, we are great at channelling and protecting it.